Entry test preparation for Medical Universities in Bulgaria
Best possible preparation for the entrance exam - admission test to Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Pleven & Trakia. 5+years experience
Get into Med School with Us
Exam questions of all unis
Biology + Chemistry
1-on1 support
Practice Exams

What we offer
Perfect Preparation for Med School
Online Courses
Our courses cover all the concepts that you expect in the entrance exam - Biology, Chemistry and English Language.
QA & Chat Community
Our teachers answer any of your questions 24/7. You can discuss with other students in our chat community. We discuss exam questions and any questions you might have.
Questionbank & Testsimulations
Our question bank has over 2500 past exam questions. For each we have an explanation, guiding you to the correct answer. Study these and you will pass the admission exam.
After 5+years of organizing preparation classes, we decided to develop an online course. You will achieve exceptional scores on the entrance exam (admission test / entry test) for Medical Universities in Bulgaria and secure admission to a med school. Thanks to regular course updates, we can provide the best possible preparation. We prepare you for all major Medical Universities in: Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv, Trakia & Pleven.
Feedback from our Happy Students
Here's What Our Students Are Saying

Who are we?
We are BEMEDI - we get you into med school
Your Teachers
Lea Meyer
Medical Student - Chemistryπ§ͺ
Nelita Zlateva
Medical Student - Bulgaria Expertπ§π¬
Divya S.
Dentistry Student - Chemistryπ§ͺ
Parvati B.
Dentistryπ¦· - BiologyπΏ
Maria S.
Dentistryπ¦· - BiologyπΏ
Verena S.
Medical Student - Graduatedπ

We are students of the Medical University in Bulgaria ourselves. We have with 5+years of experience in preparing students for the exams. We have firsthand experience with the exam. We want to support you and provide personalized guidance.
We understand that the entrance exam can be challenging. This is why we have designed online courses. You can check your progress with our practice tests. In the end, you will go to the entrance exam with confidence and achieve the best result
Everything related to studying medicine in Bulgaria
MU Varna
Entrance Exam
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
5 min read
Varna Admission Test Guide 2025
Embarking on a journey to excel in Medicine, Dental Medicine, or Pharmacy with English instruction at Medical University Varna? The entry tests for 2025 are evolving, with significant updates including the addition of online preparatory courses for Biology and Chemistry. Dive into our updated guide for comprehensive insights on test dates, registration, preparation tips, and much more to ensure your success in the admission process.
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MU Trakia
Entrance Exam
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
2 min read
Trakia University Admission Test Guide 2025
Aspiring for a career in Medicine or Veterinary Medicine at Medical University of Trakia? 2025 brings a structured admission process including entrance exams in English, Biology, and Chemistry. Get ready with this guide detailing exam dates, application procedures, and key dates for your successful admission journey.
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MU Sofia
Entrance Exam
Divya Shanti
Medical Student
Medical University of Sofia Admission Guide 2025
Study Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Nursing with English instruction at Medical University of Sofia! The entry tests for 2025 are crucial. Read our guide for insights on test dates, registration, preparation tips, and more to navigate the admission process successfully.
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MU Plovdiv
Entrance Exam
Teacher & Medical Assitance Doctor
6 min read
Plovdiv Admission Test Guide 2025
The Medical University of Plovdiv has announced its 2025 admission tests for degrees in Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy with English language instruction. This year, the entrance exams, which include tests in Biology and Chemistry, along with an English Test for non-native speakers lacking valid proficiency certificates, will again be conducted online. Here's everything you need to know to prepare for the Plovdiv Admission Test 2025.
authorName: "Lea Meyer"
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MU Varna
Entrance Exam
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
5 min read
Varna Admission Test Guide 2024
Embarking on a journey to excel in Medicine, Dental Medicine, or Pharmacy with English instruction at Medical University Varna? The entry tests for 2024 are evolving, with significant updates including the addition of online preparatory courses for Biology and Chemistry. Dive into our updated guide for comprehensive insights on test dates, registration, preparation tips, and much more to ensure your success in the admission process.
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MU Trakia
Entrance Exam
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
2 min read
Trakia University Admission Test Guide 2024
Aspiring for a career in Medicine or Veterinary Medicine at Medical University of Trakia? 2024 brings a structured admission process including entrance exams in English, Biology, and Chemistry. Get ready with this guide detailing exam dates, application procedures, and key dates for your successful admission journey.
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MU Sofia
Entrance Exam
Divya Shanti
Medical Student
Medical University of Sofia Admission Guide 2024
Study Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Nursing with English instruction at Medical University of Sofia! The entry tests for 2024 are crucial. Read our guide for insights on test dates, registration, preparation tips, and more to navigate the admission process successfully.
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MU Plovdiv
Entrance Exam
Teacher & Medical Assitance Doctor
4 min read
Plovdiv Admission Test Guide 2024
The Medical University of Plovdiv has announced its 2024 admission tests for degrees in Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy with English language instruction. This year, the entrance exams, which include tests in Biology and Chemistry, along with an English Test for non-native speakers lacking valid proficiency certificates, will again be conducted online. Here's everything you need to know to prepare for the Plovdiv Admission Test 2024.
authorName: "Lea Meyer"
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Study Guide
Study Programs
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
12 min read
Medical Universities in Bulgaria π§π¬ π©Ί - Comparison
Are you considering studying medicine, dentistry or pharmacy in Bulgaria? Great choice! Bulgaria has six universities that offer various programs in English and all of them are prestigious. Each university has a specialty in medicine in English that lasts for six years and requires an entry exam in biology and chemistry. The diplomas issued by these medical universities in Bulgaria are recognized all over Europe, which is an advantage for people who wish to work or study abroad after completing their studies.
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Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
6 min read
Study programs & degrees at MU Plovdiv πππ¦·
Hey future med students! πββοΈ Today, we're diving into the amazing study programs and degrees offered at the prestigious Medical University of Plovdiv in Bulgaria. Get ready to learn all about their exciting courses, state-of-the-art facilities, 4 renowned faculties and the fantastic educational experience you can expect at this renowned institution π.
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Entrance Exam
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
7 min read
Plovdiv Admission Test Guide 2023 π π§
Are you interested in pursuing a degree in Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery, Physician Assistant or Healthcare Management with English language instruction at Medical University Plovdiv? Then, you'll be pleased to know that the entry tests for these programs will be conducted online in 2023. I am excited to share with you the Plovdiv Admission Test Guide 2023. The Plovdiv Medical University requires a comprehensive entrance exam that consists of two tests in Biology and Chemistry, as well as an English Language Diagnostic Test, which is only mandatory for non-native English speakers who do not possess valid English proficiency certificates. These exams will be conducted online from the comfort of your own home on specific dates that are outlined below.
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Preparation Tips
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
6 min read
Guide to Applying for a Visa in Bulgaria to Study Medicine π§π¬ π©Ί
Are you an international student planning to study medicine in Bulgaria? If so, you will need to apply for a student visa. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of applying for a student visa in Bulgaria to study medicine. So let us dive in!
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Student Life
Living Costs
Nelita Zlateva
Teacher & Medical Student
6 min read
Life in Plovdiv - As a Med Student ππΊπΎ
Hey future med students! Are you considering studying in Bulgaria? If so, let me tell you about the wonderful city of Plovdiv, where you can experience an amazing life as a med student. π
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Medical University of Varna
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
4 min read
Varna Admission Test Guide 2023 π π§
Are you interested in pursuing a degree in Medicine, Dental Medicine, or Pharmacy with English language instruction at Medical University Varna? Then, you'll be pleased to know that the entry tests for these programs will be conducted online in 2024. In our Varna Admission Guide 2023, we provide all the essential information you need to know, including test dates, entry test requirements, duration, and how to prepare for the tests. We also provide details on how to register for the entry tests, resit policies, and the final ranking of applicants. So, if you're considering Medical University Varna, read on to learn more about the admission process.
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Learning Resources
Time Management
Study Tips
Study Tools
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
3 min read
Study Guide - Medicine in Bulgaria π―π©ββοΈπ¨π½ββοΈ
Being a medical student in Bulgaria can be quite challenging. With numerous learning activities, it's important to maintain a healthy balance of time and energy. This article sheds light on the daily routine of a medical student in Bulgaria and the importance of time management. It also provides insights on studying for exams, developing effective study habits, and using various study tools. Additionally, the article emphasizes the significance of taking care of oneself by exercising, eating healthily, and spending time with friends to combat the stress of studying.
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Student Life
MU Varna
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
4 min read
Study at MU Varna π
Established in 1961, MU Varna has graduated over 28,000 doctors, nurses, and medical specialists. With over 6,000 current students, one third of which are international, MU Varna has become a top destination for students from all over the world. Offering programs in medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy, MU Varna provides access to state-of-the-art facilities, including modern medical equipment like 3D and telemedicine, simulation centers, and research centers. Plus, with small group sizes and caring faculty members, MU Varna prioritizes a comprehensive education to prepare you to become a skilled doctor. Want to learn more? Keep reading!
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Study Guide
Study Program
MU Varna
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
7 min read
Pharmacy at MU Varna π
Are you interested in studying pharmacy? The Medical University of Varna offers a comprehensive program that could be perfect for you. The program lasts for five years, including theoretical and practical training, with lectures, seminars, practical exercises, and self-training. During your training, you will gain hands-on experience in botany and pharmacognosy. Upon graduation, you will obtain the level of qualification "Master of Science in Pharmacy." In this blog article, we will give you an overview of the program, the courses you will take, and the challenges you will face.
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Study Guide
Study Program
MU Varna
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
7 min read
Medicine at MU Varna βοΈ π©Ί
Are you interested in pursuing a career in medicine? Then MU Varna's six-year medical program could be the perfect fit for you! This program provides a combination of theoretical and practical training, including lectures, seminars, practical exercises, & self-training. The curriculum is designed to prepare you for the challenges & opportunities of the medical profession, giving you the skills you need to become a practicing physician. In this blog article, we provide an overview of the program's six-year curriculum, highlighting the coursework and the program's challenges & rewards.
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Student Life
Living Costs
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
7 min read
Life in Varna - As a Med Student ποΈ π―
Are you considering studying medicine abroad? Look no further than Varna, Bulgaria! This charming coastal city offers not only an excellent education at MU Varna but also a high quality of life for students. With a safe environment, affordable cost of living, and plenty of opportunities for socializing and exploring, Varna is a fantastic choice for aspiring doctors. In this article, we'll dive into the city's highlights, including its beaches and cafes, as well as practical tips for living and studying in Varna. So let's get started!
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Study Guide
Study Program
MU Varna
Lea Meyer
Teacher & Medical Student
8 min read
Dentistry at MU VARNA π¦·
This article provides an overview of the six-year Dentistry Program offered by MU Varna, with a focus on its curriculum and hands-on approach. The program aims to prepare students for a successful career as a dentist, with a strong emphasis on clinical practice and patient care. It also dives into the challenges of studying dentistry in Varna and provides insights from a current student's perspective. We explore extracurricular activities and the opportunities for research and outreach. Valuable information for anyone interested in studying dentistry at MU Varna.
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Any questions?
How much does it cost?
β¬299 for the bundle - online courses + practice questions. β¬199 for practice questions - you can upgrade to full access with 100β¬. You receive a 1 year access.
What do I get if I buy the bundle?
You get access to an all-in-one package with 4 courses - Biology, Chemistry, English for Medicine and Student Orientation. These are specifically designed to prepare you for the entrance exam for all Medical Universities in Bulgaria - Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia, Trakia and Pleven for all available study programs (medicine, dental, pharmacy, veterinary etc.).
The package gives you access to over 2500+ practice questions, past exams, and sample tests, all of which are frequently updated. It also includes learning materials that guide you through all the topics you need to study for exams in Biology, Chemistry, and English. With our courses students achieve a 96.8% admission rate, so if you study diligently success is guaranteed.
How long does it take to prepare for the test with your course?
Depending on your learning speed and previous knowledge it takes around 3-8 weeks to prepare for 1 university entrance exam. If you are applying to more than 1, add around 2 weeks per university.
How should I contact you in case of any questions?
Please write us an email at lea.meyerxo@gmail.com, we are always happy to help!
Inside the course, there is a chat plattform where you can ask all the questions you have related to content.
How do the teachers support me?
We are available through our chat community 24/7 to answer all the questions you have. You will find questions and answer on the learning materials, the 2500+ exam questions, sample tests and much more. You can ask us anything and we will do our best to help you.
Are the test prep courses right for me?
Our test prep courses are designed for you to pass the Medical University entrance exams in Bulgaria. We have been supporting students prepare for over 5 years, and those who use our course get accepted every time. So, save yourself a resit-fee or a whole year of waiting. Jump right in!
Every year, it becomes increasingly difficult to get accepted into medical school, as the required score for admission exams continues to rise. Depending on the year and university the overall admission rate is between 25% - 30%. Without targeted preparation, a successful admission is difficult. Also consider that re-sit fees are between β¬100 - β¬300 per university. Don't wait another year and save yourself the re-sit fee and achieve an excellent result on your first attempt. With our preparation course you will score a good result. 100% of our students pass the test and always rank in the top percentiles.
Admission rate
BEMEDI students
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